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regulatory risk

Legislative processes today are very dynamic: issues that have been stalled for years can be years are resolved extremely quickly, sometimes in a surprising way. This is accompanied by uncertainty and unpredictability.


Doing business in such environment involves constant risk, requires anticipation, appropriate response and adapting to changing realities.


For our clients, we provide comprehensive monitoring of the legislative process. We also advise on strategic communications.

Ask for an offer

What we guarantee?

Risk monitoring

Monitoring of the Client’s environment to identify potential barriers and business opportunities.

Full support

Monitoring of the Client’s environment to identify potential barriers and business opportunities, full analysis of the starting position, identifying need for information on the side of business environment, identifying potential partners, examining opportunities for action, development of strategy considering various scenarios and its implementation.


Full analysis of the starting position and identifying need for information on the side of business environment, mapping of potential partners and opportunities for action, identification of stakeholders, risk analysis including communications risk.


Each of the above-mentioned cooperation models can be expanded or narrowed down depending on underlying circumstances and individual needs of our Clients.

GDS Grupa Doradztwa Strategicznego

Spółka z ograniczoną odpowiedzialnością


ul. Wiejska 19, 00-480 Warszawa

+48 881 603 000



NIP 7010426773

REGON 147262507

KRS 0000510617

We are a member of the Association of Public Relations Agencies

© 2023-2024 GDS

designed by:

Zuzanna Porzezińska-Turek